Sunday 26 August 2012

There's More to Life than Facebook (or the internet).

Dear Friends, I have made a decision to gradually get Facebook out of my system.

I know this site has been very useful and helpful to me, as I am able to connect with you and share our lives, our innermost thoughts and feelings, our memories in photos, our everyday choices. Yes, and as for me, I have lived my waking days with this site since its birth. I have expressed myself here in ways imaginable - posting crazy videos; silly comments; bitter thoughts; laughed without a real sound, just "hahaha" or "hehehe"; I have shown you my heart and my mind here when I am not brave enough to express myself in front of people. I chat with faceless friends, whose breath I can't feel and realize that friendship nurtured online is no better than friends who choose to spend time together.

My Status Wall is my heart. What you read are pieces of me. But this Facebook Wall has somehow become a soild wall between me and the real world. Between me and those real people with real faces. Between me and myself. Instead of creating solid bridges, I have unconsciously forgotten the traditional, the basics, the proven and tested way of building relationships. That is the Meet and Greet; the visit to a friend's house; the tambayan sa kilid dalan; the simple panginaon sa tiangge. The conversation under the stars. The jamming session to an endless list of songs; the chismisan; the loud laughter; the long walk; the damayan when a friend is burdened; the exchange of jokes; the "wala diri wala didto nga istoryahanay"; the advises and sharing of problems and concerns and struggles; JUST BEING AROUND WITH PEOPLE I LOVE AND THOSE PEOPLE WHO LOVE ME - WHOM i CAN FEEL, I CAN HEAR, I CAN TOUCH, I CAN SMELL. 

Facebook may connect us, but it keeps a distance between people. It makes us believe that we can grow in friendship eventhough we dont give an effort to continually see each other. But to my realization, it drifts my relationship apart with the people I love. I may seem to feel that I know the person through his/her status and posts, but the truth is, I will only get to truly know the person if I spend time with him/her. I will only get to understand him/her if I get to listen as he/she speaks his/her heart out. FOR ME, IT"S STILL THE "SPENDING TIME TOGETHER" WHICH MAKES THE RELATIONSHIP GROW. PRESENCE AND AVAILABILITY MATTER. 

Facebook is such a wonderful creation. I don't deny it. But, I can't deny as well that it can also be a distraction and destructive. It's easy to destroy another person by posting a negative comment about him. It's easy to ruin one's life by passing on a bad story about him. It's easy to make friends but it's also easy to make enemies. It's so easy to change the relationship status from In a Relationship to Single to In a Relationship again. We, humans are so confusing nowadays. On Facebook, friends can turn into enemies. Maybe I am just blessed that I dont have enemies among my list of Facebook friends because I only add those whom I can trust. I don't add people I dont know personally. I don't add people whom I think whose motives are questionable. I dont like stalkers among my friends
I keep a low profile. I am not a celebrity. But I entertain those in my circle.

I must admit my wall posts are sometimes offensive or defensive or senseless or simply bitter. If I am hungry, I post it. If I am lonely, I post it. If I am angry, I am poetic. Whether I am high or low or in between, I post it. If I cant find the right words to say what's on my mind, I pick a bible verse or quotes. I realize, i spend a lot of time in the internet and absorb the radiation which the computer gives out and communicate with faceless people. When all I ever wanted was to be known and be heard, it seems Facebook has somehow replaced my social life and exposed myself too much to a wired world which only few really seem to care. Isn't it funny that we people depend on Facebook or social networking too much that we already disregard speaking to each other in person or addressing concerns and issues in private. Rather than let the whole world know that you are angry at someone, why not settle it with the person you are angry with or tell a few people you trust about what you feel. I know everyone has the right to express themselves but we should be responsible, sensitive and protective of each other. I still believe in gentle talk when an issue arises. Facebook has become a loud mouthpiece for people who are bursting in emotions; who have no one to talk to at the moment. We let our fingers speak rather than use our lips to talk. I repremand myself each time I become like it. But sometimes, you just want to express that anger to the world to make you feel good.  

It if does make you feel good, it doesn't mean it's right.

When you are in your right mind, you wouldn't make another person look so bad to other people. 

I have so many things to say. The bottom line is Facebook or the internet is good, but there are better things to do with our lives rather than building your identity online, creating a Virtual YOU, spending hours in it and stripping youself to the world who care less.

Get up. Stand up. Go out. Real people are there. Build strong and lasting Relationships. Love. Care. Reach out. Spend your precious time to worthwhile things. Laugh and cry together. Listen. See the sunrise.

Dont make Facebook/Internet your life. Get a life and Make it count.